Youth Track Club and Coaching Education

Target: $ 1800.00

0% of target reached

Hi....I am raising funds for a local non profit track and field club
They use running to inspire youth to have a healthy lifestyle.
They also are very family-centric and focus on mental health among the youth. I like this organization because they recognize that the kids are more than just athletes and are concerned about their lives off the track.

I am also using a portion of the funds to help continue my coaching education. My goal as a coach is to be able to help athletes to reach their purpose no matter what starting point and this includes helping injured athletes. I like the idea of being a one-stop shop coach, and helping both injured and healthy athletes.

This will involve me taking more courses and eventually going back to school for physical therapy, which means I need to start taking prerequisite classes, which involve medical terminology, anatomy and physiology.

I greatly appreciate any help that you can offer!!

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