Support Maddie's Need for a Medical Bed

Target: $ 1000.00

0% of target reached

I recently introduced my new friend Maddie to the world and she’s won over your hearts as much as she’s won over mine.
Maddie is in her 70s and doesn’t have any children. Her husband passed away over 14 years ago and she didn’t receive any of his retirement money due to her being his second marriage. She didn’t get to keep their house, etc. she currently lives in an apartment off of her own retirement and she sleeps on a recliner chair in her living room. The bed she had was sold with the house and she has a completely empty bedroom and doesn’t feel like she can afford a bed. She needs a bed that can have the back slightly elevated due to a medical condition! My husband and I are students and don’t have much money to put towards her bed. We can contribute a portion but are seeking help to cover the cost of the full bed set! Maddie is an angel. We’d love to help her out!!

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