RJ's Medical and Family Needs

Target: $ 2500.00

0% of target reached

Hello everyone I am RJ’s sister and most of you that know him he has been having many issues lately with passing out and seizures
He has been to multiple Hospitals with little to no answers so far.

They then had to move him to the ICU and intubate and but him on the ventilator with the medication he is on shutting down his respiratory system. They are planning to put a long EEG on him to see what is going on with his brain and if it is having any miss fires or if it can catch anything that is not normal.

If anyone would be able to help with food, their hotel expenses, bills, rjs hospital bills. That would be absolutely amazing and so appreciated.

My parents are never people to ask for anything. Even if you can’t donate please please please keep RJ in your prayers because if you ever met this boy you know he is by far one of the best humans you could possibly meet! May God bless all of yous that have been praying for him We love you all!

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