Helping Ashton’s medical expenses

Target: $ 2500.00

0% of target reached

Dear Friends and Community, We are reaching out to you during this challenging time to support our dear friend and longtime employee Ashton..
Despite the incredible efforts of medical professionals, the road to recovery will be long and costly. Ashton is facing significant medical bills, including intensive care, rehabilitation, and ongoing therapy. Additionally, he is unable to work while recovering, which adds an extra layer of financial strain. We are organizing this to provide Ashton with the financial support he desperately needs during this difficult time. Your generous contributions will help cover medical expenses, support his recovery, and alleviate the financial burden on his family. Any amount you can give, no matter how small, will make a huge difference. If you are unable to contribute financially, sharing this campaign with your friends and family would be equally appreciated. Thank you for your kindness, support, and generosity as we rally around Ashton to help him through this challenging period.

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