Help Scooter Fight Critical Anemia
$ 3000.00
0% of target reached
For those of you who know my baby boy scooter you know how much he means to me and how sweet of a dog he is.
He is my biggest support system, he helped me get through my mom’s passing and eases me when things get hard. Within the past 48 hours, two vet visits and then a trip to the emergency room we have discovered Scooter has developed anemia (autoimmune disease) which is causing his body to attack its own nervous system. We admitted him to the hospital last night and he will have to under go multiple blood transfusions and stay at the hospital for three-five days with round the clock care. He is currently in critical condition. We’re not one to ask for money but anything will help. Friends and family who are wanting to support in anyway, we would greatly appreciate any donation. Please pray my baby boy makes it through this horrible nightmare. Thank you