Animal Care and Relocation

Target: $ 2500.00

0% of target reached

Hello community! I am a single 24 year old who is currently struggling to provide for her animals in this harsh economy.
I have a medium sized herd of goats, a small pack of dogs, and a bunch of other misc. animals as well. I'm working 2 jobs in an attempt to provide for everyone, but it just isn't enough, and I always feel that I am barely scrapping by. We are also desperately trying to move away from the current property we reside on, due to many reasons that are negatively affecting my health, both mentally and physically, and I'm at a loss on how to go about it, when I don't even have $5 to spare a month to put into a savings. There is no real financial goal to this fundraiser. Just any and every donation will help. I know I'm a nobody in a sea of fundraisers, but even just $1 from everyone who sees this, will help substantially. Thank you so much!

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